



From 09/13/2021 to 09/22/2021


11:23 AM Bug #11 (Closed): SB52 image
Lion Wang
08:59 AM Bug #11 (In Progress): SB52 image
Lion Wang
08:58 AM Bug #11: SB52 image
Hi Vinh,
Did you switch it to OTG mode?
> !{width: 50%}0922_001.png!
Lion Wang
11:23 AM Bug #12 (Closed): SB52 image
Lion Wang
11:07 AM Bug #12: SB52 image
Hi Lion,
I figured out the reason why I build the image error. Because I used a virtual machine. It can not recogni...
vinhtrannguyen acis
09:04 AM Bug #12: SB52 image
Hi Vinh,
The steps that you did is right.
Could you try it with others micro USB cable?
Lion Wang
09:02 AM Bug #12 (In Progress): SB52 image
Lion Wang
08:55 AM Support #13 (In Progress): SB52 issue
Lion Wang
08:55 AM Support #13: SB52 issue
Hi Vinh,
We do not support any modify for default image.
BTW,you can google key word like this.
> "yocto sshd_co...
Lion Wang


11:57 AM Support #13 (Closed): SB52 issue
Hi Lion,
I would like to connect remotely to the board. so I need to override sshd_config. But this file is a just r...
vinhtrannguyen acis


12:13 PM Bug #12 (Closed): SB52 image
Hi Lion,
I followed your building image steps.
You can check at link
vinhtrannguyen acis
10:18 AM Bug #11 (Closed): SB52 image
Hi Lion,
After I rebuild the image. I could not use ADB. I type "adb devices or adb shell" but it did not detect SB5...
vinhtrannguyen acis

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